• Language, bad words and communication

    Language is a funny business. It evolves, changes, grows (and dies); what we can be sure of is that language reflects society – and culture. Take, for example, swear words. In English there are several and their meaning often depends on the entire sentence or on the context F**k or Shit or Bitch, for example. […]

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  • Addressing the Spiritual Realms (part 1): from God to Goddess

    I promised that I was going to write a bit about how I address the Spiritual Realms, so here we go. This post covers the first transition from God to Goddess, more will follow because I simply could not fit everything in one post. I was raised a Catholic, so my first addressing the Spiritual […]

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  • On Reassurance and Trust – Channelling Received on 20/06/2020

    A few days ago I was pondering how more often than not what we look for when we Ask for Answers is, actually, reassurance. We just want to be told that “everything will be ok”. This is per se is absolutely ok. Things will always turn out to be ok; we might not see it […]

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  • Group distance healing sessions: on witnessing emotions, Peace and Love

    I started giving free sessions in mid-March and daily (admittedly not always at the appointed 6 pm), I Connected to each one of the participants and I shared their space. In a few cases, I received personal messages and shared them privately. I aimed to Share my Peace and support the group on their individual […]

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  • Merry Litha!

    Merry Litha everybody! We have reached midsummer – even though the latest storms brought a bit of a chill. Yet that water was very much needed and it made the plants and Mother Earth so happy! Our balcony garden is truly blooming – maybe even a bit too much, our turnips have exploded; I am […]

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  • Channelling received on 15/06/2020

    I don’t check news often. We don’t have a TV and I don’t have the habit of checking main stream media. In case you were wondering, however, have no fear, in these situations you don’t end up living in a bubble – even though I could argue that, actually, bubbles sometimes are not only necessary […]

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  • Distant healing sessions: the weirdest conversations you are going to have

    Intuitive healing session done remotely should receive an award for possibly the weirdest conversations you will ever have. Distance healing sessions normally go like this: we book an appointment, the healing session starts one hour roughly before the appointment then at the time of the appointment there’s a phone – or video – call, via […]

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  • Photo by Daniel Olah on Unsplash

    On answers and questions

    A little while ago, let’s say mid-March 2020, I Asked for answers. It might seem weird, but I have to admit I don’t do that as much. I connect to Nature almost daily in my walks, and the messages I receive are always beautiful, but I very rarely ask questions. I prefer to try to […]

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  • Channelling 7th June 2020 – Wisdom and Young Hearts

    Channelling from the Spiritual Realms received today: “Young hearts suffer the most, you say. As if, growing older, is meant to make you insensitive and unable to feel emotions. Young hearts vibrate strongly and the communication with Soul is yet unhindered. Their suffering only shows how much they are in touch with Who They Are. […]

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  • Intuitive healing and pets or how I started treating pets

    A few months back we took one of our kittens (at the time she was 5 months old more or less) to the vet. After a very minor accident, i.e. her brother jumped on her during a well rehearsed wrestling session, she had started dragging her hind legs and was clearly in pain. Something was […]

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