• Love yourself

    No matter how great the desire is to please another, let it be no greater than the desire to be yourself. Mike Dooley I dedicate this to a client. I have encountered many many people during the years that “settle” for something – mostly out of fear; fear of change, fear of failure but also […]

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  • New studio announcement!

    🥳🥳🎉🎊BIG NEWS! I have now a studio!!!! 🗝🔑 I am really excited about this, because as much as I love distance healing sessions and being able to help people from all over the world, a studio means that I can actually – finally – also meet you in person! 😊 The studio is in Galway […]

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  • Trust your instinct!

    If you want to hear your Angels and Guides, you first must start listening to yourself. Kyle Gray This is profoundly true. We are surrounded by our Guides, Angels, Totemic Animals, Ancestors… We are never truly alone. And they communicate with us, in a never-ending stream of love. We just need to learn to pay […]

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  • Matter matters

    Connecting to Your Soul is not about forgetting or transcending your body. It is about getting in touch with your body MORE. We transcend through our bodies. #mattermatters #bodiesmatter #yourbodymatter #loveyourbody #connectoyoursoul “I think it is better not to mistreat my body. I must take care of it and treat it with respect, just as […]

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  • What is real

    Sometimes people have a certain idea or way of looking at things, and they want to put you in a box. But what happens if you don’t belong in any of the categories in their mind? It’s the reality of the thing that matters, and not the word we use to describe it. A name […]

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  • Evil, Darkness and being Wildly Free

    We grow up in Duality. Mind you, I don’t think it’s instinctual – at all. Quite the contrary children exhibit no judgements, but they do learn them rather quickly since our western society has them embedded in our lives (together with a hefty plethora of stereotypes). Without even realising it, we have dualism everywhere: black/white, […]

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  • Addressing the Spiritual Realms (part 3): from Goddess and God to Goddess

    In my last posts (see Addressing the Spiritual Realms (part 1): from God to Goddess and Addressing the Spiritual Realms (part 2): from Goddess to a Couple), I have explained how I moved from God to Goddess, and then to Goddess and God as a couple, their dance aggregating matter and creating the world into […]

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  • Being a mum and a healer: musings on healers’ stereotypes –

    I hear often that if you choose to be a mum you can’t be a healer – or you can’t do it successfully. Normally this sort of talking gets paired up with a chat about how the energy you need to heal, to connect with the Spiritual Realms, is “high”, while when you are a […]

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  • Tornado Distant Healing Sessions or why notebooks and pencils are handy

    I am grateful for my Gift and thankful that I can give distant healing sessions, so that I am able to help no matter where the person is. Normally I do the session – this takes me between 40-45 minutes and an hour then I have a chat with the person involved. I schedule an […]

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  • What is it like to have a Gift? Still surprising after 25 years, thank you

    You would imagine that I am used to my Gift, that it no longer surprises me. And that would be… not true. I am still in awe. A while back, during a distant healing session, I got continuously distracted by an image; even while I was focusing on the physical level it popped up again […]

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