I have to thank a colleague for getting me in touch with Marta! It has been the most beautiful and enjoyable thing that could happen to me. I had been feeling not well – both physically and within myself – for such a very long time. For Marta I was a stranger; she had no way to know what she later told me. She asked me to lie on a massage bed, encircled my body in crystals, rubbed her hands and passed them above my body. I got a feeling that a strange magnetic force was filling me, and, passing through my body, was looking for all my maladies. That’s precisely what happened. I have to admit I was speechless when, after stopping over a few of my body areas, Marta was able to pinpoint all my illnesses but also old times traumas that only I had been aware of. I was shocked listening to her, because everything was really true. Beside this Gift she has in her hands, she is very knowledgeable in herbs and, after suggesting me herbs, most of my problems have really improved. Marta has become my Angel!