• Your Soul knows the way!

    Your Soul certainly does know the way, indeed the Soul holds the map. We use the Mind and the Heart to decipher and interact with the world, yet the Soul – who is not identified with the present “I” – has an eagle eye view, the Soul knows the map. This is a reason why […]

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  • Minding Emotions

    This is a very different blog post from the ones that I usually publish here. In this you can read me with my mum hat on. It is an overview of what we do at home to help us with emotions; it is not a complete picture, but I think it can give you an […]

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  • Just me….

    I have been asked for ages to post a picture of me and I have been… well, sort of ignoring it. Yet, Samhain has just passed, the Wheel has turned again and I thought, well, let’s do this now. So here I am. Me (with a touch of blue hair), just a couple of days […]

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